Alison Rebello
Assistant Management Accountant
  • Languages Konkani, Hindi, English
  • Location London
Alison joined Burgess in August 2024 as an Assistant Management Accountant with the London Management team. His journey in the financial world began with one of London’s top 60 law firms, where he gained knowledge on the various aspects of accounting, payroll and benefits. His interest in accounting arose from his scrutiny for commerce and accounting during his first year in college. He is a part qualified accountant and now on track to finish studying his ACCA qualification.

As an individual who loves gardening, often called a person with “green fingers,” he tends to be very patient, make time, have the tenacity to keep going, never giving up and believes in growth. He brings forth these qualities in everything he does and seemingly nurtures just about anything to grow and bloom in the same manner.
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