Leo Yang | 杨雷
Représentant principal, Chine
  • Langues mandarin, anglais, français
  • Bureau Shanghai
Leo joined Burgess in 2024 as Chief Representative for mainland China. With nearly two decades of experience in the yachting industry, Leo brings a wealth of expertise and a deep-rooted passion for the sea and yachting.

Leo's journey in yachting began in 2006 when he joined the first Chinese team to contest the America’s Cup, the 32nd edition in Valencia. Since then, he has played a pivotal role in advancing the yachting scene in China, accumulating extensive experience across various domains including event organisation, yacht construction, brokerage, chartering, maintenance and repair, fleet management and yacht clubs.

A graduate from Université de la Rochelle, Leo holds a Master’s degree in Business Management and is a certified RYA Yachtmaster.

Leo will take the lead on charter developments and spearhead marketing initiatives for Burgess in mainland China.

杨雷 在 2024 年加入了 Burgess,担任中国大陆的首席代表。凭借近二十年在游艇行业的经验,杨雷 带来了丰富的专业知识和对海洋与游艇的深厚热爱。

杨雷在游艇行业的经历始于 2006 年,那一年他参加了在巴伦西亚举办的第 32 届美洲杯赛中国之队。从那时起,他在推动中国游艇业发展中扮演了至关重要的角色,积累了丰富的经验,涉及赛事组织、游艇建造、游艇经纪、租赁、保养和修理、船队管理以及游艇俱乐部管理等各个领域。

作为拉罗西尔大学的毕业生,杨雷拥有企业管理硕士学位,并获得了英国 RYA  Yacht master证书,美国ASA 5级签证官证书,SDI Dive master 证书,中国国家二级桨板教练资格。

杨雷 将主导Burgess在中国大陆租赁业务的发展。
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