Ian Armstrong
Senior Partner - Managing Director
  • Langues anglais
  • Bureau Monaco
Ian Armstrong is Managing Director and a member of the Strategic Board at Burgess. His responsibilities include the strategic and commercial development at Burgess.

Ian’s role combines business with his life-long passion for yachts and the sea. He grew up sailing on Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, and is never more at home than on a boat. When not on the water, he enjoys diving, skiing, travelling and has sailed competitively in the UK for the last 30 years. More recently, he spends his time with his children at junior sailing events.

Prior to joining Burgess, Ian worked in financial services for over 20 years. He was a Managing Director at Citi, latterly serving as UK Head of Technology and Communications Corporate Banking. Previously, he worked at HSBC, Barclays and J.P. Morgan in a variety of roles including Leveraged Finance and Investment Banking, based in London and Dubai. Ian’s appointment applies his experience of working with clients across multiple industries and countries to Burgess’ business activities.

Ian received a Ph.D and M.Phil in International Relations from Cambridge University and MA(Hons) in International Relations and Modern History from St Andrews University.
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